About Somerset Builder's Club



Somerset Builder's Club

104 Public Square

Somerset, OH  43783


Email: [email protected]

Website: Somerset Builder's Club | Makerspace and Co-working (somersetbuildersclub.com)



The Somerset Builder’s Club mission is to provide a community space for people of all ages to engage, learn, and grow.

Current priorities for the Builder’s Club include:

  • Offering GED credentialing

  • Providing remote higher education courses, degrees, and credentialing

  • Providing co-working spaces which utilize the Builder’s Club free, high speed internet

  • Teaching senior citizens about technology

  • Growing our membership to provide training and access to new and emerging technology

  • Fostering entrepreneurship through business incubating, pop-up shop competitions, equipment access, and skills training

  • Teaching 6-week, in depth skills training courses on various equipment and technology

  • Providing a telemedicine facility for residents to visit their physicians remotely

  • Hosting fun, technology-focused events for the community